Cara bikin duit dengan mudah

Diposting oleh sading blogger | 17.45

"Saya Akan Membuka Satu Satunya RAHASIA Terhebat Masa Kini Yang Telah Membuat Sedikit Orang Mendadak Jadi Milyuner Hanya Dengan Meng-klik Beberapa Kali Seminggu Saja… Pertama Kali Terbuka Untuk Diketahui Orang Indonesia!"

...Dan Akan Membuat Anda Kaya Melebihi Mimpi Anda!

Baca selengkapnya“Cara bikin duit dengan mudah”

meta deskripsi yang berkualitas

Memperbaiki kualitas meta description anda dapat meningkatkan kesempatan situs anda mendapatkan klik menjadi lebih besar (Peningkatan CTR), berikut akan kami jelaskan mengapa meta description itu penting.

<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="deskripsi website anda disini ">

Mengapa Google peduli tentang meta description?
Google ingin mengambarkan hasil pencarian secara akurat melalui meta description. Google lebih memilih untuk menampilkan meta description dari sebuah halaman (jika ada) karena meta description memberikan penjelasan tentang isi dari sebuah URL. Ingatlah bahwa penulisan keyword kedalam meta description secara berulang - ulang tidak dapat membantu menaikkan ranking website anda, seperti kebanyakan yang orang pikir selama ini. Penulisan meta description dengan benar seperti halaman hosting gratis ini, dapat meningkatkan CTR (klik) situs anda. Lihatlah contoh berikut mengenai meta description yang berkualitas dan meta description yang tidak berkualitas.

Meta description yang berkualitas

meta deskripsi yang berkualitas

Meta description yang tidak berkualitas
meta deskripsi yang tidak berkualitas

Coba anda lihat kedua contoh penerapan meta description di atas?
Coba anda berpikir sebagai visitor, kira-kira anda akan meng klik yang mana?

Jelas anda akan meng klik yang pertama yaitu "Hosting Gratis | Hosting Murah" karena memiliki deskripsi yang menarik dan bersifat persuasif untuk di klik

Bagaimana strategi meta deskripsi yang baik?
Gunakan meta description yang berbeda untuk setiap halaman
Ciptakan "meta description" yang akurat dan sesuai untuk setiap halaman situs anda. Apabila anda memiliki banyak halaman website dan tidak mungkin untuk memberi deskripsi satu persatu, anda dapat memprioritaskan halaman - halaman mana yang memang seharusnya ditambahkan deskripsi, seperti halaman depan (home page), atau halaman - halaman popular yang lainnya seperti halaman tutorial photoshop ini atau halaman hacking ini.

Buatlah deskripsi yang berkualitas!
Untuk yang terakhir, pastikan meta description lebih deskripsi. Kualitas meta description dapat saja dengan mudah menjadi kurang baik karena hilangnya perhatian kita terhadap hal yang satu ini karena di sebabkan suatu hal yang sepele yaitu tidak terlihatnya meta description di web kita secara langsung oleh visitor. Tapi meta description akan di tampilkan di Google Search Result -- Jika deskripsinya memang cukup berkualitas. Sedikit perubahan pada meta description anda (menjadi lebih berkualitas), maka secara tidak langsung akan meningkatkan kualitas dan jumlah traffict visitor anda. Hal ini dapat anda menfaatkan untuk mendapatkan Targeted Visitor .

Ps: mendaftarkan website anda pada SEO Web Directory dapat meningkatkan link popularity website anda.

Sumber dari situs Ilmu Website dalam kategori search engine tutorial dengan judul Make Over Meta Description Anda

Baca selengkapnya“cara Memperbaiki kualitas meta diskripsi”

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Baca selengkapnya“internet gratis xl menggunakan your freedom”

Ziddu adalah sejenis file hosting gratis seperti file hoting lainnya tapi yang bembedakannya dengan yang lain adalah setiap ada orang yg mendownload file kita, kita akan dibayar sebesar $0,01 penasaran dari mana ziddu mendapatkan uang untuk membayar kita nah caranya adalah dengan memanfaatkan orang yang menguplpad file di sana jadi trafik websitenya jadi besar dan karena trafik itu banyak yang akan memasang iklan disana nah dari biaya pemasangan iklan tadi ziddu akan mendaat uang untuk membayar kita. Apakah anda tertarik ?? jika mau daftar silakan daftar di sini
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Salah satu cara ampuh untuk mendapatkan link popularity dan menaikkan page ranking dimata search engine adalah dengan cara mengirim (submit) artikel ke banyak direktori artikel ( Articles Directory ) semakin banyak artikel kita yang di approve (diterima) makin bagus pula popularity website kita di search engine sehingga dapat menaikkan traffic, selain itu dengan banyaknya artikel kita yang "nempel" di situs lain kemungkinan kita mendapatkan traffic gratis juga semakin besar.

Direktori artikel umumnya mempunyai page ranking yang tinggi ( PR 5 keatas) di google, sehingga dengan adanya link kita yang biasanya ada di signature artikel nempel di situs yang page rankingnya tinggi kemungkinan kita akan dapat "pembagian" PR 1 atau 2 tingkat. Saya merekomendasikan, dan, saya juga membuat sebuah artikel directory untuk anda coba.

Salah satu tool yang bagus untuk mempermudah pengiriman (submit ) artikel ke banyak artikel direktori adalah article submitter. Dengan tool ini proses pengiriman artikel menjadi lebih sederhana dan cepat karena kita tidak perlu mengulang - ulang mengisi form article submit, form ini akan diisi secara otomatis oleh article submitter, sehingga yang kita lakukan hanyalah mengisi category dan kita langsung bisa submit artikel tersebut ke direktori artikel.

Secara default article submitter menyertakan lebih dari 100 alamat article directory yang langsung bisa kita kirim (submit) artikel kita, daftar directory artikel ini dapat kita tambah atau kita kurangi sesuai dengan direktory artikel yang kita ikuti, di article submitter saya ada sekitar 100 alamat semua bisa saya submit artikel dalam waktu 2 jam.

Sebelum mulai submit artikel kita terlebih dahulu harus mendaftar (sign up) ke semua direktori artikel tersebut dan setelah kita terdaftar dan conform kita dapat submit artikel sebanyak banyaknya. Saran saya pada waktu mendaftar gunakan lah username yang sama untuk semua direktori artikel dan gunakan alamat email pada waktu mendaftar sebagai username. Selamat mencoba

Sumber dari situs Ilmu Website dalam kategori search engine artikel dengan judul Mendapatkan Link Popularity dari Artikel Directory

Baca selengkapnya“Mendapatkan Link Popularity dari Artikel Directory”

Free Domain .tk

Diposting oleh sading blogger | 21.16

domain gratis .tk
Ini satu lagi ada domain gratis yang sudah lama, tapi belum kami tulis, sudah lama mengeluarkan service domain gratis, tapi yang mengecewakan
sekarang ada banner iklan nya...

Alamat url nya:

Nanti alamat url anda :
Sekian den terimakasih :)
Sumber dari situs Ilmu Website dalam kategori domain registration dengan judul Free Domain .tk

Baca selengkapnya“Free Domain .tk”
Diposting oleh sading blogger | 20.39

Selamat Pagi every body... ;p
di pagi yang agak mendung ini aku pengen bagi2 domain gratis lagi buat temen2 semuanya....

Domain yang satu ini adalah miliknya, free trial selama 90 hari aja..
setelah itu temen2 harus bayar.. tapi lumayanlah, buat yang pengen iseng-iseng aja...

soalnya menurutku domain yang satu ini punya feature yang lumayan bagus dan
cara pendaftaran yang mudah dibandingkan domain gratisan yang lain..

untuk feature-nya domain ini menyediakan :

1. nama domain dengan format

2. fasilitas domain emailnya juga ada, formatnya

lumayankan untuk domain yang gratisan... ;D

untuk mendaftarnya temen2 bisa langsung aja link ke,

disana nanti temen2 akan langsung ditanyai nama
tinggal isi aja terus submit, terus tinggal ikuti petunjuk selanjutnya...
santae aja, gampang kok?!

kalo temen2 pengen nyoba langsung aja klik link diatas..
ga akan menyesal dech.. hehehe...

okay dech, sekian dulu aja pemberitauannya,
ntar kalo aku nemuin yang lebih bagus pasti aku posting lagi..

terimakasih atas perhatiannya, selamat mencoba..
Hasta La Vista!!

Sumber dari situs Ilmu Website dalam kategori domain registration dengan judul Domain gratis Lagi... | .name |

Baca selengkapnya“ ”
Diposting oleh sading blogger | 20.33

domain gratis
Teman kita memberitahukan kita bahwa ada sub domain gratis lagi
kali ini sub domainnya,

prosesnya cukup mudah, feature2 nya:
1. SiteBuilder
2. Web Forwarding
3. Custom HTML
4. DNS

saya sempat mencoba mencicipi ini hasil nya -->> saya arahkan / forward ke
untuk mendaftar silahkan masuk ke :

ini lebih jelasnya:
The Source for free domain names
UNI.CC is a free domain name that will help making your web sites more accessible using short and easy-to-remember Internet addresses.
This site provides domain name redirection service and a site builder tool. We do not offer hosting, mail or FTP services at this time.
Register your domain name now!

Sumber dari situs Ilmu Website dalam kategori domain registration dengan judul Free subdomain

Baca selengkapnya“ ”
Diposting oleh sading blogger | 20.25

domain gratis
Halo temen-temen semua.... Ini ada free subdomain gratis lagi, namanya free domain Namanya hampir mirip dengan subdomain yang diberitahukan oleh teman kita yaitu free subdomain Phii dah coba, n registrasinya lumayan cepet. Dalam 24 jam sudah  diinformasikan ke email kita, apakah domain yang kita request avaliable atau tidak.

INFORMASI : domain service

  • will redirect to your own website.
  • Both and work.
  • URL hiding / Path forwarding
  • Compatible with the major search engines and optimized to give you a higher ranking.

  • For Free
Website Promotion

  • Free submission to the major search engines.
  • Compatible with the major search engines and optimized togive you a higher ranking.
Real-time Statistik

  • Real-time reporting
  • Detailed information of your visitors including total and average,unique, hourly information, what web site they come from, exact time of visit, and IP address.
Teman - teman bisa mencobanya di
Sumber dari situs Ilmu Website dalam kategori domain registration dengan judul Free Subdomain

Baca selengkapnya“ ”
Diposting oleh sading blogger | 20.21

hosting gratis php net
Selamat pagi teman-teman semuanya..!!!
Saya ingin bagi-bagi hostingan yang free, support PHP, dan MySql. pokoknya lumayan deh!!!
langsung aja kalian coba ke

untuk daftarnya ke sini

oiya ini spesifikasi gratis yang tersedia di situsnya

# 300 MB fast web space      *free*
# 100 GB monthly bandwidth   *free*
# MySQL database             *free*
# PHP scripting support      *free*
# FTP account                *free*
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# No file size limitations   *free*
# Instant activation         *free*

lumayan khan.. hehe...
aku udah nyobain koq, daftarnya g sulit, trus g ada banner iklannya lagi... (hehehe.. promosi ;p)
ya udah deh, temen-temen langsung bisa coba sendiri aja..
sekian dari saya
hasta la vista..
Sumber dari situs Ilmu Website dalam kategori hosting service dengan judul Free Host PHP

Baca selengkapnya“ ”
Diposting oleh sading blogger | 20.18

hosting gratis 00webhost
Bagi teman teman yang sedang berkelana mencari hosting - hosting gratis yang support PHP & MySql, baik yang akan digunakan untuk membantu meringankan bandwidth utama website anda seperti yang dilakukan ilmuwebsite atau sekedar ingin mencoba menjalankan script php, atau bisa juga sedang belajar mencoba membuat website berbasis PHP, silahkan coba hosting yang satu ini:

Registernya ke sini:

Mereka 100% menawarkan hosting gratis, dengan spesifikasi seperti ini:

250 MB Disk Space, 100 GB Data Transfer
PHP with MySQL Database Support

Ok, sekarang waktunya Test and Review by, hasilnya:

Space : Ya... benar pada cPanelnya di kasih 250mb
Bandwidth: Janjinya 100Gb, tapi di cPanelnya bandwidth nya tidak tertulis...
Kecepatan server (Speed Test) : Bagus... Cepat di crawl oleh googlebot (test kami), tapi ada beberapa orang yang menyatakan Server Uptimenya 77%, tapi kami belum merasakan hal itu.
cPanel: Bagus cPanel nya versi terbaru 13 (x3), versi ini menurut kami loading nya berat, lebih baik yang versi lama yaitu versi 10 (x)
FTP: Bagus... FTP nya Ok, sudah kami coba dengan smartftp dan tidak ada masalah..
Support DNS & Subdomain : Ya... mereka memberikan pilihan penggunaan domain anda sendiri dengan arahan Name Server, contoh domain: (contoh arahan DNS domain ke, atau anda juga dapat memilih menggunakan subdomain mereka atau, contoh:
Name Server :
Affiliate: SCAM - Mereka tidak akan pernah membayar anda
Total Score
    untuk versi hosting gratis PHP SQL
: 90
 Request Test and Review silahkan kirim email ke: webmaster[at]ilmuwebsite[dot]com

Feature yang di janjikan oleh pihak 000webhost adalah:


  • PHP mail() function and Sendmail 
  • Curl, GD2 library, ImageMagick, Zend 
  • fopen() and PHP sockets 
  • safe_mode is OFF, file uploads ON 
  • Zend Optimizer support, Ioncube loader..  and much more features  are enabled
PHP mail() function and Sendmail: ini berarti anda bisa menggunakan fungsi PHP Send Mail

Ok, silahkan coba :)
Sumber dari situs Ilmu Website dalam kategori hosting service dengan judul 000webhost - Hosting gratis PHP SQL

Baca selengkapnya“ ”
Diposting oleh sading blogger | 20.14

hosting gratis awardspace
Hari ini saya akan coba membahas free hosting yang bisa dikatakan bagus untuk free
host kelas PHP Mysql

Sebelumnya, saya berterima kasih kepada teman-teman yang telah memberitahukan
bahwa awardspace cocok untuk di bahas.

Ok, to the poin saja

Detil information:
- Nama

- Address  <<-- untuk daftar/ Register

- Spesifikasi Free Packet
 200MB Disk Space
 5GB Monthly Traffic
 2 Domains Hosting
 5 Subdomains
 Free DNS Server
 1 MySQL Database

 FTP/FrontPage Access
 5 POP3/IMAP E-mails
 Instant Account Setup
 Web-based File Manager

 Easy-to-use Control Panel
 Reliable RAID Backups
 GRID Hosting Platform
 Super Fast Servers
 Reliable Data Center
 99.8% Uptime Guarantee
 24x7 Network Monitoring
 Forum Support
 Fully Upgradeable

*Setelah Penulis Melakukan Test:

- PHP dan MySql
- Tidak ada iklan dan banner

- Server ada di Amerika -->> berat kalau di akses dari indonesia
- karena free, client nya banyak sekali
- Tidak bisa di akses dari telkomnet instant, tapi kalau speedy bisa

Kesimpulan, boleh dicoba untuk belajar membuat website yang berbasis PHP MySql
tapi pertimbangkan karena free jadi client nya banyak sekali

Sumber dari situs Ilmu Website dalam kategori hosting service dengan judul AwardSpace | Free PHP MySql

Baca selengkapnya“ ”

If you were celebrating Valentines Day with a candlelight dinner for two at home and settled in to watch a movie, "Sleepless in Seattle" would be a great choice because it provides a pleasant experience and is already becoming a romantic comedy classic.

Your parents or grandparents experienced a similar story line in the now classic "An Affair to Remember" that was released in 1957 and paired Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr. Their characters fall in love and agree to meet in 6 months at the Empire State Building in New York.

Sleepless in Seattle, released 36 years later in 1993, pairs Tom Hanks as Sam Baldwin and Meg Ryan as Annie Reed. Sam is the recently-widowed father of 8-year-old Jonah Baldwin (Ross Malinger), who calls a nationally-broadcast radio talk show in an attempt to find his lonely father a partner.

A somewhat reluctant Sam talks to host Marcia Fieldstone and thousands of single women across America are suddenly drawn in to Sam's sense of love for his former wife, each wishing she could be as cherished as Sam's next special person. To wit:

Doctor Marcia Fieldstone: Tell me what was so special about your wife?

Sam Baldwin: Well, how long is your program? Well, it was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were supposed to be together . . .and I knew it. I knew it the very first time I touched her. It was like coming home . . . only to no home I'd ever known . . .I was just taking her hand to help her out of a car and I knew. It was like . . . magic.

If that dialog does not melt every woman's heart she would need to go straight to "The Wizard of Oz" and receive a new transplant. Soon Sam is getting thousands of letters from wannabe partners, all of which are read by his son Jonah, who decides that "Annie" is the best choice.

Annie is engaged to marry Walter (Bill Pullman). Should she do so she would be making the first great mistake of her life. Walter is a decent enough chap, but Annie is missing any sparks in their relationship because Walter has the personality of an ashtray.

Annie goes to great lengths to meet Sam, flying from New York to Seattle only to discover Sam with another woman, whom she mistakes for a love interest. She never mails a letter she has written to Sam, but her friend does. In it she proposes to meet Sam on top of the Empire State Building.

Sam is not interested in going, but his son Jonah is, so, with the help of his new friend whose parents own a travel agency, he is able to book a flight to the Big Apple and ends up on the observation deck of the Empire State Building looking for Annie. Sam, in a panic, to find his son, follows him to New York. The rest you will have to see.

Hanks is very convincing as a forlorn widower and Ryan was at her peak of being cute and innocent. The chemistry between the two, who only share approximately 2 minutes of screen time together, is great.

The role of Annie was originally offered to Julia Roberts but she turned it town. Kim Basinger, who was also offered the part, turned it down because she thought the premise was ridiculous. Just recently in the news, a youngster in Jonah's peer group did exactly what Jonah did, managed to book flight on a major airline and fly undetected. Life is indeed stranger than fiction.

The screenplay for Sleepless in Seattle was written in part by Nora Ephron, who also wrote "When Harry Met Sally" (another great romantic comedy with Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal). Ephron directed the film.

Ephron, David S. Ward and Jeff Arch (who did write the story) were nominated for an Oscar for Best Screenplay, and the film received another nomination for Best Original Song ("A Wink and a Smile"). Sleepless in Seattle also got Golden Globe nominations for Best Picture, Best Actor (Tom Hanks) and Best Actress (Meg Ryan).

Sleepless in Seattle cost $21 million to film and grossed $227 million worldwide at the box office, adding another $65+ million in rentals.

Tom Hanks is the gold standard in acting. He has been nominated for 5 Best Actor Oscars (Big, Philadelphia, Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan and Cast Away) and won twice for "Philadelphia" and "Forrest Gump". Hanks also has won 4 Best Actor Golden Globes for Big, Philadelphia, Forrest Gump and Cast Away.

His films have grossed more than $3.3 billion. He remains only 1 of 3 actors to have 7 consecutive $100 million domestic blockbusters; the other two are Tom Cruise and Will Smith.

Sleepless in Seattle is viewed by many guys as a "chick flick" but not by me. I consider it an outstanding relationship film with a great story line that proves to be a pleasant viewing experience every time I see it again. If a guy has ever been in love and felt the magic, he will appreciate this film a lot more.

Copyright © 2008 Ed Bagley

by: Ed Bagley

Baca selengkapnya“For Romance Without Any Stress, "Sleepless in Seattle" Is the Cure”

The Features of Bluray Disk

Diposting oleh sading blogger | 13.01

A survey was conducted by the Home Research Media during the first few months of 2007. The findings of the survey were that the in USA the blu-ray movies sale was almost double compared to the High Definition DVD’s. The High Definition DVD disks are considered as the main competitor of blu-ray disks. According to the Home Media Magazine, about 1.6 million blu-ray disks were sold during the first six months, and the sale of High Definition DVD’s during that period was about seven hundred and ninety five thousand.
The blu-ray technology was actually introduced and developed by the Sony Company. Keeping in view the increasing popularity of bluray disks, majority of the studios are releasing their movies in bluray format or both in blu ray and High definition DVD format. The blu-ray format gives the audience more sharper and brighter picture as compared to the other DVD formats. The bluray disks also offer high recording capacity. This high capacity of blu-ray helps to add interactive features and games as well along with the film.
The High Definition DVD disk was introduced by the Toshiba Corporation. The new blu-ray disks are giving tough time to the HD-DVD’s. The blu-ray disk’s market share is rapidly increasing. The blu-ray disk is the major rival of the High Definition DVD disks. During the start of 2008, Wal-Mart decided that their top most preference will be the blu-ray disks because of their increasing sales and popularity. This competition between HD-DVD & blu-ray is almost similar to the VHS & betamax in the 1970’s.
Considering the increasing popularity of Bluray disks, most of the major Stores of United States decided to increase their High-definition stock with Blu-ray disks almost up to 75%. The Bluray disk format has advantage over other DVD formats because of its higher capacity to store data. The High-Definition DVD disk has storage capacity of about 30GB and is working to increase the capacity to 45GB. While on the other hand the blu-ray disc can store up to 50GB and development is being done to increase its storage capacity to 200GB.
The consumers mostly focus on the DVD disk with higher recording capacity that is where the blu-ray disk has captured most of the High- definition market share. The other reasons that made the blu-ray disk more popular were the support from the major studios like the Disney, Sony, Lionsgate etc.
The Sony Play Station also backed the bluray technology and also the gamers showed their interest in this blu-ray format. So, the gamer are willing to spend more dollars to buy the new blu-ray DVD disks. The prices of blu-ray format products are rapidly lowering down because of the improved and increased production. The increased competition is also a factor that helped to lower the prices of bluray products.
The hardware companies are now working on players that have the capability and technology to play both the DVD formats of bluray disk and High-Definition DVD as well. These drives are known as the dual format DVD players. Sony, LG and NEC are the companies that are manufacturing these dual format players. This is really amazing as Sony is the main supporter of the bluray technology. The reason of manufacturing the dual format players could be that the Sony does not want to loose in the competition of DVD formats.

Baca selengkapnya“The Features of Bluray Disk”

With fast download and upload speeds and always-on connection to the internet (no log-on required), WildBlue offers packages to cater to the budget and varying needs of customers. The maximum download speed offered by WildBlue Satellite Speed Internet is 1.5Mbps, around 30 times faster than the average dial-up connection. Since no phone lines are required for the connection, you can surf the web and talk on the phone simultaneously.

No Software to Install, No Strings Attached

The installation of the WildBlue equipment is carried out by expert professionals located in your town or county. The equipment consists of the 28” x 26” WildBlue dish that can be mounted on the roof or the wall, and the satellite modem. The installation will take only 2 to 3 hours, as no software need be loaded on your PC or laptop. The modem is connected to your PC via Ethernet through the Ethernet cable or a wireless hub or router connected to the WildBlue modem. You are connected almost instantly to the WildBlue satellite Internet service without installing cables or any other hardware installation.

Enjoy the Internet Like Never before with Wildblue

You can now enjoy everything you wanted to experience from the Internet, except online real time interactive gaming and VoIP. But there is more to look forward to in terms of entertainment, information and performance. Enjoying streaming video, sharing pictures, listening to music and playing games are among the entertainment options. You gain access to a lot of information through online education facilities. With a fast connection, you can make good use of the various interactive tools provided on websites, and enjoy a number of other options. WildBlue gives you a real taste of the Internet with faster web surfing, faster uploads and downloads, and quicker access to multimedia-packed and interactive websites with exciting graphic content. All these can be accessed without waiting for pages to open or the WildBlue connection to be activated, as no dialing in is required. When your PC is on, so is your WildBlue Internet connection.

Looking at the various benefits associated with high speed Internet, and the various providers in the field, it is best to subscribe for satellite internet service to your home or small office.

By: Ryan S

Baca selengkapnya“Satelliten Internet Service to Your Home or Small Office”

Brodband Usage

Diposting oleh sading blogger | 11.15

Before deciding on which broadband deal is best for you it’s a good idea to think about how often you use it and what for? If for example you only use it for the occasional browse and the odd download there is no point in paying for the biggest and fastest deal. Equally if you are more likely to use it to do a lot of downloading a 2Mb deal will not be adequate.

If you regularly download or watch TV online, the minimum speed you will need is 8Mb. A smaller speed won't offer a very good viewing experience or download time. However, you only use the internet for is browsing and emailing, a 2Mbps connection will be sufficient. To save disappointment online gamers and heavy downloaders should look to get the fastest speed they can.

By: A.J.Price

Baca selengkapnya“Brodband Usage”


Online Marketing Service, also referred to as Internet marketing service is about using the Internet as another channel to market your business or organization. It’s about broadening your Web visibility, attracting qualified visitors to your website or getting interested people to email or call without even needing to come to your site. When visitors do come, through on-site marketing efforts and strong features, you lead them to do what you want them to do: fill out a form, register for an event or make a purchase from you through the internet usage. Some people would be eased to make their necessary work about their company by providing online worker from other place to make their job more easy to do.

Online Marketing Service builds, executes and measures direct response strategies using the Internet. Some key areas that the company should consider to concentrate on are acquisition of specific information, retention of the data being given on the site, awareness of how the site should be handled, optimization of the site content and behavior, and conversion of details through a more useful resource to the users online.

Here are some of the processes that the company should consider in getting their online marketing more effective:

1. Define Your Goal - work together with every member of your company to help clearly define exactly what it is you want to accomplish towards a more fruitful future using the online marketing service and how to set up goals which are important to the company.

2. Develop the Plan – the company should develop strategic, effective and measurable direct response marketing plans designed to achieve the company goals. Through the company's efforts of each member, a more suitable and easy way of conducting the plan can be performed.

3. Execute the Plan - provide capable and experienced project management throughout the entire implementation process. Each member of the company should be reliable, thorough, well-connected, and determined to make satisfied clients that are connected to the company. With these at hand, satisfied clients are willing to cooperate and pay more for the efforts of the company.

4. Measure the Results - No online marketing campaign is complete without measuring the results. Internet marketing strategies take tracking and measuring of the clients website advertisements before implementation occurs. This way, the company can measure their effectiveness to the clients as well as how better they know their company's effectiveness in the process. With the good results that the company is displaying, more and more clients are willing to be with the company and won't have second thoughts of paying a good amount for a good service that the company offers. Clients' satisfaction are very vital when it comes to consideration about the company's main goal.


Online Marketing Degree generally refers to the degrees that are offered in the internet through advertisements and well-presented by different courses that are being offered by the colleges and universities throughout the globe. It most likely want to prepare individuals in undertaking and managing the process of developing consumer audiences and moving products from producers to consumers by the use of the internet.

A more easy way to determine whether you're making the right decision in improving and pursuing your career as student is to continue studying and taking one of the major courses that the college or university offers. Online Marketing Degree includes instruction in buyer behavior and dynamics, principle of marketing research, demand analysis, cost-volume and profit relationships, pricing theory, marketing campaign and strategic planning, market segments, advertising methods, sales operations and management, consumer relations, retailing, and applications to specific products and markets.

Many colleges and universities have come up with the idea of advertising their different online courses because through this, a more practical, faster and easier way of advertising through the web can be seen and noticed. They will no longer have to make certain advertisements through television and radios just around their country but through online marketing service. The degrees that they offer will be seen by anyone from anywhere around the globe by the use of the internet. An effective way of advertising without the high costing.

A slight example on the online marketing degree is the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration – Marketing (B.S.B.A./MKT.) which puts working professionals on a clear path to lifelong learning and success. Maximizing their career opportunities, making important contributions to the profession, reaching the potential—that define success.

Through a program that combines academic theory with practical application, and includes courses in Ethical Leadership and in Social Responsibility, the students will gain knowledge and experience in areas vital to business and society. This concentration will help the students develop insights into an organization’s marketing effort by learning not only the traditional disciplines of alternate marketing channels, sales management, advertising and research, but also emerging marketing approaches related to consumer motivation, global customer management, customer relationship management, and marketing on the Internet.

Another example of an online marketing degree is the Master of Business Administration in Marketing (M.B.A./MKT.), it provides students with the ability to examine the relationship between marketing and corporate strategy and the tools necessary for developing and implementing strong marketing tactics throughout the companies in which they work. Through a hands-on curriculum including case analyses, this specialization lays the practical groundwork necessary for students interested in strengthening or furthering their career as a marketing professional or decision maker.


Internet Marketing is a broad term that can include everything from pay-per-click management to a full-blown online marketing campaign that builds traffic and tracks site visitors to increase conversions from all mediums. Internet Marketing can be thought as encompassing all of the following disciplines: search engine optimization, pay-per-click management, link building and affiliate marketing.

Internet Marketing Companies work solely towards getting their client’s product or services marketed online, and this is really becoming something that modern businesses can’t live without. Obviously, an Internet marketing company can’t use the same techniques that a traditional advertising agency would use, such as television commercials and special promotions.

The things that an Internet marketing company can do are pretty amazing, though, because the costs are fairly low and the results can potentially reach a global audience. The interactive nature of Internet marketing, which allows businesses to draw out an instant response from potential customers, is a unique quality of the medium. Internet marketing companies can bring creative and technical aspects together, including design, development, advertising and sales. Internet marketing methods include search engine optimization, pay per click management, display advertising, email marketing, interactive advertising, blog marketing, and viral marketing.

The services that an Internet marketing Company offers aren’t always something tangible that people can see, although things like banner ads and social media marketing (using sites like MySpace) are quite visible. Things like search engine optimization and pay per click management are more intangible, but they help promote a website by placing it where people will see it when they are looking for that type of product or service. Internet marketing companies grow and promote an organization using online media.

An Internet marketing company does not simply build a website or promote a website… They make that website visible to people who are likely to become real paying customers. For some reasons, people are making easier ways of advertising their products and news through the Internet because of its lower cost and its effectiveness. Consumers can see the products and massive orders and requests could be in any instant on line with the company which provides the products.

An online marketing campaign is necessary these days with the Internet become bigger and bigger by the day. Therefore, it is crucial to hire an effective Internet marketing company to help your business achieve the online results you are looking for.

Since the advent of the World Wide Web, there have been many new evolutions to online marketing. Thankfully, there are many Internet marketing companies that can show you the ropes about the industry so that you can capitalize with your online venture.

There is a wide variety of items that a quality Internet marketing company can provide to your business. One of the main sources of online marketing is in search engine optimization, commonly referred to as SEO. This process simply refers to the act of ensuring that your website appears in the top of the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN. This is achieved by submitting articles and keyword phrases all over the Internet because the more links that your website has on the Net, the higher your search engine ranking will be. Since most customers will choose to use the services of a company that is among the top ten in the search engines, SEO can work wonders for your online venture.

However, an Internet marketing company also has many other services that can benefit your business. Many of these particular companies also provide website designing and graphic design help that will make your website much more appealing to the public. If you search hard enough, you will be able to find a quality company that will produce your website from the ground up and then use SEO to ensure that your site gets the recognition it deserves.

by: Jan Michael Balasa

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internet brodband for online games

Diposting oleh sading blogger | 10.01

The video game industry is one of the most dramatically increasing within the modern business world, with demands for strong storylines, good voice acting, up to date graphics and design as well as a reasonable price all being compulsory for a successful video game nowadays.

The recent popularity boost that has resulted in the MMORPG has meant that broadband speed and reliability has become very important for gamers, as most of these games require real time online team work with each player having a specific job to fullfill. So if you have signed up to an online game and want to get the best out of your new game, you should check out the new deals on the market for broadband.

Many people who signed up to broadband when it began to be common in households will be used to internet that is better than dial up, but may be missing out on the speeds available with today’s suppliers. If you have not updated your package since you first got it, checking out the recent offers such as broadband via wireless routers or fibre optics may increase your broadband quality ten fold.

So if you don’t want to get into trouble from team mates because you didn’t supply that crucial healing spell due to your broadband having a slow spike, perhaps you should look into getting an update on your broadband package!

By: Jennifer Quirk

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