With fast download and upload speeds and always-on connection to the internet (no log-on required), WildBlue offers packages to cater to the budget and varying needs of customers. The maximum download speed offered by WildBlue Satellite Speed Internet is 1.5Mbps, around 30 times faster than the average dial-up connection. Since no phone lines are required for the connection, you can surf the web and talk on the phone simultaneously.

No Software to Install, No Strings Attached

The installation of the WildBlue equipment is carried out by expert professionals located in your town or county. The equipment consists of the 28” x 26” WildBlue dish that can be mounted on the roof or the wall, and the satellite modem. The installation will take only 2 to 3 hours, as no software need be loaded on your PC or laptop. The modem is connected to your PC via Ethernet through the Ethernet cable or a wireless hub or router connected to the WildBlue modem. You are connected almost instantly to the WildBlue satellite Internet service without installing cables or any other hardware installation.

Enjoy the Internet Like Never before with Wildblue

You can now enjoy everything you wanted to experience from the Internet, except online real time interactive gaming and VoIP. But there is more to look forward to in terms of entertainment, information and performance. Enjoying streaming video, sharing pictures, listening to music and playing games are among the entertainment options. You gain access to a lot of information through online education facilities. With a fast connection, you can make good use of the various interactive tools provided on websites, and enjoy a number of other options. WildBlue gives you a real taste of the Internet with faster web surfing, faster uploads and downloads, and quicker access to multimedia-packed and interactive websites with exciting graphic content. All these can be accessed without waiting for pages to open or the WildBlue connection to be activated, as no dialing in is required. When your PC is on, so is your WildBlue Internet connection.

Looking at the various benefits associated with high speed Internet, and the various providers in the field, it is best to subscribe for satellite internet service to your home or small office.

By: Ryan S

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